College Vaccinations
Registering for college can be a stressful process . . . that's why The Shot Nurse is proud to offer a convenient walk-in service for college students to receive any vaccinations or lab tests along with the necessary documentation required by your school.
Vaccines are covered under most insurance plans.
Most colleges and universities require all incoming students
to receive or show proof of the following:
Meningococcal ACY-W and Meningococcal B
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
For The University of Memphis' MMR vaccination requirement and form necessary for admission, link to
Schools may also require a Vaccination Titer, which is a blood test, to document immunity. The Shot Nurse can perform this test and provide you with documentation. In the event your immunity is low for these diseases you will need to receive a booster.
VARICELLA - Chickenpox Vaccination
Back to school vaccinations are available for school entry, ages 5 and up.
Don't forget your Vitamin B-12 Shot!
Be sure to get your Vitamin B12 injection before you leave for school so that you'll have the energy you need to get up and go-whether it's to classes or fun!